Comic Adventures Wiki
DC/Marvel: Age of Infinite Heroes
Title: Mission: Intergang: Freaks and Fights
Author: OOC: Spider-Man
Article: The front page of the Daily Bugle is plastered with a large editorial: ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT

Norman Osborne, candidate for Mayor in New York City, running under the platform of Humans First, was targeted for assassination by a mixed group consisting of the Mutant Liberation Front, his former kidnapper the Green Goblin, and Spider-Man.

While mutants have not always gotten a fair shake in this city and country, a group of terrorists had NO RIGHT to target our next mayor and try and kill him. After all, are not mutants humans too, and so they'll get a fair run over from Mister Osborne the same as any other rightful, tax paying citizen would be? All Candidate Osborne wants is for everyone to get a fair shake in the city, and not have us at the mercy of these costumed freaks who are answerable to no one, and respond to nothing. All he wants is for us to showcase the true heroes of this city, the ordinary citizens and men and women who make up our teachers, our firemen, our police, our civil servants. That so often get lost over in those costumed freaks dancing around like they own the place!

But hey fear him, even when he extends a hand out to them. So it was a mixed bag when the Mutant Liberation Front attacked. And what did Osborne do when his bodyguards tried to drag them away? Sent them to protect the citizens. The sign of true leadership, putting other people first. Because of his actions, even when the monster who kidnapped and tortured him for all those months, the Green Goblin himself attacked and came to blows over with Spider-Man on who got dibs of killing him, Mister Osborne stayed strong and so casualties were minimal. With men like this serving as an inspiration to us all, the city will stand proud!

Log: 2014-01-10 - Mission: Intergang: Freaks in the Night
