Comic Adventures Wiki
DC/Marvel: Age of Infinite Heroes
Title: Subway Floods as Avengers Battles HYDRA
Author: OOC: Hawkeye
Article: <<Front page above the fold Daily Globe>>

The Avengers battled HYDRA in Queens today while pursuing the fugitive Sawyer Mason who sources in the NYDP reports has been a subject of a manhunt for several weeks. The battle resulted in the HYDRA forces being defeated by the Avengers but during the battle the subway system became flooded as a result. The repairs are on-going and the MTA warns commuters who rely on the subway system to find alternate means of travel.

Those agents of HYDRA who were not killed when the tunnels flooded, something reports suggest was caused by their own actions, were detained and taken for medical treatment. While the identity of the fugitive remains undisclosed it is known that they were transported to the Avengers Mansion following the altercation with HYDRA.

Log: 2013-11-09 - Mission: Intergang: Sawyer and Secrets
